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경동제약 로고


Company credited for technology, KyungDong Pharm

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SokNcool Tab.

  • Brand name SokNcool Tab.
  • Category Gastrointestinal
  • Active Ingredient Pancreatin, Dimethicone, Hemicellulase, Ox bile extract
  • Rx/OTC OTC
Active Ingredient
Pancreatin ----------- 175mg
Ox bile extract --------- 25mg
Dimethicone ------------ 25mg
Hemicellulase ---------- 50mg

Dyspepsia, Loss of appetite, Overeating, Indigestion, Promotion of digestion, Gastric bloating caused by indigestion

Dosage & Administration
15 years of age or adult: 1 tablet per dose, 3 doses a day after meal.

Drug Class
Protection of Stomach & Indigestion