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경동제약 로고


Company credited for technology, KyungDong Pharm

View Product

Lucozol Cap.

  • Brand name Lucozol Cap.
  • Category Antifungal
  • Active Ingredient Fluconazole
  • Rx/OTC Rx
Active Ingredient

Tinea pedis of finger & toe nails, tinea pedis of hands & feet, tinea of head ·body & tinea cruris, pityriasis versicolor, candidal vaginitis, oral candidiasis, profundus mycosis

Dosage & Administration
Single Dose

Vaginal candidiasis: The recommended dosage of DIFLUCAN for vaginal candidiasis is 150 mg as a single oral dose.

Multiple Dose

SINCE ORAL ABSORPTION IS RAPID AND ALMOST COMPLETE, THE DAILY DOSE OF DIFLUCAN (FLUCONAZOLE) IS THE SAME FOR ORAL (TABLETS AND SUSPENSION) AND INTRAVENOUS ADMINISTRATION. In general, a loading dose of twice the daily dose is recommended on the first day of therapy to result in plasma concentrations close to steady-state by the second day of therap

Drug Class
Broad spectrum antifungal agent